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Strong Gold Anomalies Discovered from Recent Rock Chip, Soil and Talus Sampling Program.


  • Two very promising gold prospects identified from recent geochemical sampling

  • Targets are well defined and localised from outcrop sampling with corresponding float and soil samples nearby

  • Peak grades of 17.1ppm Au at Old Man Prospect and 3.1ppm Au at Emerald Prospect

Ragusa Minerals Limited (ASX: RAS) (“Ragusa” or “Company”) is pleased to advise that strongly anomalous gold results have been received from its geochemical sampling program conducted during late-2022 at the Old Man Breccia, Old Man Diorite and Emerald Prospects within the Monte Cristo Gold Project located in Alaska, USA.

Based on the Monte Cristo Project sharing the same geological environment and mineralisation characteristics as neighbouring projects, a sampling exercise was conducted to determine mineral prospectivity relative to the nearby multi-million ounce gold projects discovered by Nova Minerals Ltd (Korbel deposit 8.65m oz Au1 and RPM deposit 1.24m oz Au1) and GoldMining Inc (Whistler and Raintree deposits with combined 4.8m oz Au2). Refer to Figure 1 for project and prospect locations relative to neighbouring projects.

Ragusa Chair, Jerko Zuvela said “This is an exciting first step for our Monte Cristo Gold Project with sampling results confirming anomalous gold grades at multiple prospect areas. We look forward to determining the mineral prospectivity of our project area, especially with the exciting multi-million ounce gold discoveries nearby.”


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