NT Lithium Project works confirm high grade lithium prospectivity, with 2023 diamond drilling works conducted and results received with pegmatite intersections and lithium confirmed, with grades up to 0.7% Li₂O and a highgrade interval of 3.25m @ 630ppm tungsten High grade rock chip sample results, including:
Sample SM023: 1.03% Ta (1.26% Ta₂O₅), 1,922 ppm Sn, 637 ppm Li₂O
Sample SM022: 2.35% Sn, 0.32% Li₂O, 814ppm Ta (994ppm Ta₂O₅)
Sample SM020: 0.41% Li₂O
Sample SM021: 0.11% Li₂O
The Company exercised its exclusive right to earn an initial 90% interest in the NT Lithium Project tenements
NT government grant for co-funded drilling awarded for up to $68,828 over two diamond drillholes at NT Lithium Project
Maiden inferred (JORC 2012) Mineral Resource Estimate at Burracoppin multi commodity Rare Earth Elements (REE) + kaolin/halloysite project completed
Burracoppin Project REE samples sent to Curtin University for TREO metallurgical testing
Two very promising gold prospects identified at Monte Cristo Gold Project from geochemical sampling conducted during 2022, with peak grades of: 17.1gpt Au at Old Man prospect 3.12gpt Au at Emerald prospect
Continue exploration and drilling works at NT Lithium Project
Receive results from metallurgical testwork on REE samples from Burracoppin Project and assess